About Nisi & Lisi

Certified Professional Canine Trainer (ABCCT) and Certified Knowledge Assessed by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT-KA), Denise Butler aka Nisi, and ball-obsessed Border Collie X, Khaleesi aka Lisi, are a dynamic human canine duo founders of Nisi & Lisi.

Hi! I’m Nisi. I am here to help you get results with your training challenges, improve your bond with your dog and bring the fun back into your dog training.



I have been training dogs for over a decade and have encountered dogs of every shape, size and temperament. I’ve worked with family dogs, working dogs, sport dogs, rescue dogs and pedigree dogs all using force-free humane training methods to build a trusting bond and cooperative relationships between dog and owner teams. I have a particular passion for helping new dog owners learn about dog behaviour and teaching them the skills they need to build a solid foundation of good behaviour in puppyhood that will see them through the teenager phase and into adulthood.

I have been totally nerdy and obsessed with dogs since I was a young girl, memorizing dog breed books and practicing agility with my first dog at age 12. At 14, I started a relationship with the BC SPCA as a volunteer dog walker and over the years as an adult, became a buddy trainer for new recruits and helped to develop shelter protocols for volunteer walkers. I began my career working 24/7 with canines in Vancouver, BC starting a busy off-leash group walking service and expanding to opening a doggy daycare, boarding and training facility. My years of experiences working with groups of off-leash dogs (up to 12 at once!) gave me the expertise I now possesses in reading dog body language, rehabilitating dog-to-dog conflict arising from resource guarding and low confidence, as well as my specialty in polite off-leash social behaviour.

I have formal education in dog training from the Animal Behavioural College and worked under a Karen Pryor Certified mentor for over a year to learn the ins and outs of force-free training, clicker training and using reward based training to modify behaviour and teach obedience. Being a bit of an academic nerd, I am addicted to learning more about canines and training methods. In 2022, I passed the exam to receive my CPDT-KA certification which certifies my knowledge in various aspects of animal training.

My real passion in training in the past 5 years has been puppy training. Giving puppies the skills they need to succeed as polite adult dogs and giving new families a head start in training and access to a professional resource for the course of the puppy’s development. Puppies are sponges, and it’s so important that they are given correct skills, feedback and socialization before they become teenage disasters. Making mistakes or slacking on puppy training can create real struggles and behaviour problems later in your dog’s life. My training expertise in this area helps families get a solid foundation of polite behaviour and to learn a little more about their dog and how to structure and set up your home, routines and training practice for success. 

I also have a passion for helping dogs looking for their forever home get the skills they need to be adopted into a new family. Nothing is more rewarding than helping a dog find that perfect home and special connection with humans they have been missing in their lives. 

Lisi passed away October 2020 and is missed every day. She was a dog genius and my best friend. Working and living without her has been difficult but I continue on in her legacy and use all she taught me in my training. Lisi had huge love for agility training and we dabbled in the dog sports of Rally Obedience and NoseWork. She excelled in the art of Forcing Strangers to Throw My Ball Using Only Eye Contact and Cuteness. She was a fetch addict, work obsessed, sweet and sensitive girl. If you ask me about her, warning: I will start crying.

My current doggy family consists of the fluffy and bubbly, Viva the goofy rescued 2 year old Old English Sheepdog and King Arthur, our brave fluffy protector, is a 6 year old Caucasian Shepherd – a Russian Mountain dog that protects our acreage and family from bears, bobcats, foxes, coyotes…..and gophers. 

Alli Sandberg

Alli is the newest Nisi & Lisi team member. We love having her as part of our team – she has amazing positive energy and a strong connection to all animals. Along with her skills in dog training, she is a professional groomer & pet photographer!

Hi, my name is Alli and my love of dogs is next level! Although my passion for dogs started well before I could talk (my parents were always sure they were getting grand-dogs but never sure about grandkids!) I started formally working with dogs in a professional setting in the spring of 2012 helping run a daycare and boarding facility. The time spent at this kennel gave me the skill I needed to read canine body language and learn to use my energy to communicate and create a peaceful pack experience. It highlighted how each dog was its own unique soul, with its own preferences and traits, all equally deserving of respect and kindness.

In 2013, I was off to an academy for professional dog grooming in Edmonton Alberta where I became well versed in not only the physical care of all coat types and the hair dos that accompany them, but also each breed’s standard conformation, identifying and caring for skin conditions, nail and dental care, and many anti-anxiety techniques to encourage a stress free grooming experience! My education gave me the opportunity not only to work along side many seasoned groomers, but also veterinarians, vet techs, reputable breeders, and many trainers.

I’ve always been excited about helping families connect on a deeper level with their dogs, and it was around 2017 that I began branching out into my other passions such as dog photography, ‘Doga’ (dog yoga!), and training with my partner in crime Miss Cricket in the sport of scent detection, obedience, and fun tricks. There is nothing quite like quality training time to really deeply connect with your pup!

I began volunteering and working with the Pacific Assistance Dog Society and really dove head first into dog training! The Pacific Assistance Dog Society trains service dogs for mobility and wheelchair assistance clients, hearing assistance clients, PTSD assistance clients, as well as Accredited Facility Dogs. I have spent the past years both learning and instructing their volunteers on force free training, clicker training, and reward based training to create a solid foundation of obedience and happy household manners for dogs to both pass their public access test to become fully certified working service dogs as well as peacefully transition to living in their new handler’s home! A solid foundation starts at puppyhood and truly grows with them. I have raised three successfully placed service dogs that are now working in the field! I am thrilled at the opportunity to help you understand your dog on a deeper level and co create a foundation of trust and love for your dogs soul to genuinely shine!

Alli's bff is this beautiful girl, Cricket, the Sheltie. Caution: She is the theif of many hearts.

Born in 2015, this fluff nugget is Cricket! She is a gorgeous tri colour headed white CKC sheltie who’s quirky personality always shines through. Often seen with her tongue dangling out the side of her mouth with the biggest grin you can imagine, her playful, curious, and polite energy wins over even the most timid of puppy playmates. Her prance rivals that of supermodels and she knows it! Though she may look like a princess, she thoroughly enjoys getting as dirty as possible on hikes and camping trips. You’ll never age her more excited than when she gets a chance to romp in the snow! She’s been outsmarting me and forcing me to learn and grow since the day she arrived!